Frequently Asked Questions


Why should i choose you over competition?

We build every cabinet using the best commercial grade parts on the market from our Suzo Happ Joysticks, buttons and trackballs to our moisture resistant black melamine cabinets, our product can not be beat. All made in the United States of America. Our unmatched prices include free shipping and the best commercial grade parts available on the market. Make any room your own game room.

Can i customize my arcade cabinet?

Absolutely! You can completely customize the design of your Arcade Cabinet with family names, crests, pictures or custom graphic of your liking. We have a wide selection of wood choices from Black melamine, Oak, Cherry or Mahogany. Your arcade cabinet can be fully customizable and one-of-a-kind.

Is shipping included for free?

Yes! Shipping is 100% free to the lower 48 states of the United States!

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